Stem cell research might find a variety of treatments for different diseases in the future
- Scientists might learn about growth and cell development by further studying stem cells
- Recently, iPS cells, or induced pluripotent cells have been generated by scientists. They have the similar qualities of a pluripotent cell and lose their tissue specific qualities. Therefore, these types of cells can also be used rather than embryonic stem cells, taking the whole controversy off of the issue.
- Uniparental stem cells can also be used, but they are shorter lived compared to embryonic cells
- Peripheral Blood Stem Cells have a disadvantage compared to other types of stem cells because their collection takes more time and therefore treatment can only be started later.
- Some argue that embryonic stem cell research is murder because it requires the destruction of the embryo so that the stem cells can be extracted.
- In many of the experiments with embryonic stem cells, animals have died of brain tumors and liver damages
Where the controversy is nowadays:
Because of the claims that a human life is being destroyed by embryo stem cell research, scientists can only use pre-existing embryos for research that have been previously rejected by couples. Because of the controversy surrounding these types of cells, mainly due to protests of Catholics other alternative stem cells are being researched and significant advances are being made in both areas, especially in European countries, where the controversy has not lead to jurisdictions impairing research. Furthermore, iPSC's have been developed, which are animal cells that have been developed to an embryo-like state My personal Oppinion on the controversial issue:
It is very hard to define when something can be considered a human life and when not. Some claim it is a human life is generated as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, others say it is only after a certain amount of months of pregnancy. I personally only would consider it a murder if the baby would actually feel something. Maybe this criterion is wrong, but I just can't think of a bunch of stem cells as being a new life. Therefore, I believe Stem Cell Research on Embryonic Stem Cells should be allowed and strongly encouraged, because as I don't view it as a complete human life, there is no problem for me with running experiments with it.
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